
Beating the odds

"As a business owner, how do I keep my company safe in a down economy? This comes from a recent Ask Andi forum, part of the Lunch and Learn Series, run by the Westchester County Association." Panelists included Robert Sanders...

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Lost a Big Client

Web site re-do 101

"We are getting ready to re-do our website. It's been out there for a number of years, was pretty basic to begin with, and doesn't get us any traffic to speak of. What suggestions do you have, for things we...

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Who’s Right for Business Sales?

Competitive intelligence 101

I need some competitive intelligence. What do you suggest? We've recently lost a couple deals that I was pretty certain we were going to get. One went to a bigger competitor who almost never pays attention to our target market....

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Branding your business

We've been told we should focus on branding our business more. We don't know a lot about what that means. Ours is mid-sized service business in Rockland County. We offer several different services, which have a few different names. What...

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Lost a Big Client

Getting started on the internet

  "We don't have a website, and don't have any money to put towards building one, right now. Our customers are always telling me I should have a website, so they can look me up on the internet. I hear...

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