Tag: small business

Cash strapped businesses can't grow

Focusing Our Efforts On Growth and Profit

"We own a few businesses and we’d agreed to put all of our efforts into the growth and profit of our premium services company. However, the results seem to be getting worse rather than better. I’m starting to wonder whether...

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Business Growth by acquisition

Family Business Next Gen Takeover

ConsideOur parents are getting ready to retire from the family business, but I sense they’re not ready to trust that we can take over. There are four of us in the next generation. We have been in the company for...

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Fixing Production Delays in Business

Fix Production Delays

SoqualThings got behind in production and we’re trying to catch up. Can you give us any suggestions to help fix production delays? Thoughts of the Day: There are lots of contributors to the backlog. Take a look at which equipment...

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Moving Customers Toward Making the Purchase

Moving Customers Toward Making the Purchase

e Some customers have told us that they don’t have the budget right now to buy. We know they’re not going somewhere else, they’re just postponing the purchase. How can we get them to take action sooner rather than later?...

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Instill Passion in Your Workers

Instill Passion in Your Workers

We have concerns regarding our sales and service people. We need to see more intensity and instill passion. How do we help these people get there? THOUGHTS OF THE DAY: What is it that you’re trying to accomplish? Define your...

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Managing a Young Workforce being yessed to death

Managing a Young Workforce

We’re hoping to maximize our opportunity with a young workforce. We’ve hired several young, entry-level workers. When managing a young workforce, how do we tap into their potential without burning them out? Thoughts of the Day: There are many reasons...

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Getting a Handle on Business accurate Financial reporting

Getting a Handle on Financial Management

Why is keeping up with finances so complicated? It should be more straightforward. Maybe we don’t have the right people; maybe things aren’t organized enough? I constantly struggle to know what’s coming in, what bills to pay, where we stand...

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