Building a Self-Sustaining Workforce

Ask Andi: How do I achieve a self-sustaining workforce? Without inspiration, employees lose enthusiasm, momentum slows down. How do I train employees to be self-sustaining?

Thoughts of the Day: A self-sustaining workforce promotes self-reliance. Help employees internalize what the company is trying to achieve. Build a positive, forward-looking culture. Commit to meetings, goal setting and recognition. Learn how to find the balance between “good enough”, and “always striving to do more”.

Building a self-sustaining workforce

Invest in your people as much as you expect them to invest in your company. Build a shared attitude. “The company cares for its employees, and the employees care for the company”. Ask:

  • Do the company and its employees have a future?
  • Can you offer employees meaningful work? Hear their opinions? Recognize contributions?
  • Is there opportunity for growth?
  • Do company benefits protect employees from life’s misfortunes?
  • Can employees afford to live in and contribute to their communities, based on their wages and the hours they work?
  • Is the company worth working for in terms of values, ethics and market reputation?

Assess the sharing equation

Develop personal responsibility and enthusiasm among the workforce. How meetings are conducted and goals developed? How is information on individual and company performance shared?

  • Is everyone in the company invited to participate in department and companywide meetings?
  • Are goals realistic, consistent, built from the bottom up as well as the top down?
  • Can employees track results and see if changes are having an effect?
  • Are employees asked to sign on when goals are developed?
  • Is productive debate encouraged when issues surface?
  • Does everyone in the company understand the need for the company to operate profitably and support its ability to do so?
  • Is every employee clear as to what they are working to accomplish?

Financial well-being is tied to company health

Show employees that it matters whether resources are wasted or used carefully. Build a management team capable of engaging employees. Share efforts and responsibility. Not left in the hands of a select few. Be on the alert for burnout. Dissatisfaction may cost you your best most important employees. Address shortfalls with individuals and departments. Teach them to build action plans to cure outstanding issues.

Rewarding employees for successfully implementing plans can accrue to them as well as the company. Consider long-term engagement tools such as 401k and profit-sharing plans. Enhance benefits based on improved company profitability.

Encourage the team to be self-sufficient

Address problems as they come up. Involve responsible employees. For example, stay on to resolve things. Make changes, but do so deliberately.

Be on top of issues as they come up. Avoid decision-making in times of frustration or anger. Make notes. Ponder the situation anywhere from a few minutes to a few days. Certainly have an action checklist to help stay on point with the decisions, actions, and changes.

Build a model for success that everyone can attach themselves to. Recognize success, and know when “good enough” is exactly that. Use your time at the company to listen, assess, guide, inform and encourage employees.

Looking for a good book? Try… Employee Engagement for Everyone: 4 Keys to Happiness and Fulfillment at Work, by Kevin Kruse.

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