Change Business Behavior

Ask Andi: How do we change business behavior? We need to deliver results. Get better as a company. It’s difficult to break old habits. How can I help employees build habits that matter?

Thoughts of the Day: There are ways to support and change business behaviors. People are wired to learn. It’s less expensive to change behaviors than it is to fire good people and train replacements. Make the process of changing habits rewarding.

Change business behavior

What people do during most of the day are a combination of conscious thought and unconscious activity. The newer the activity, the more conscious people need to be. The more repetitive tasks are done almost unconsciously. Those are the habits.

Our brains get wired through the process of repetition. Repetition leads to well-worn pathways in the brain. The more practiced the habit, the more worn the pathway, and the harder it is to change behaviors.

To make changes it’s necessary to carve out new neural pathways in the brain. And to get the brain to stop using the old paths – that’s the challenging part. One interesting statistic I’ve heard is that to build a new habit it takes 21 days of practicing or repeating the new behavior. That’s related to what it takes to carve a new neural pathway in the brain.

Because humans are wired to acquire, process, and use new knowledge, the door is open for us to build new habits, replacing the older, less successful ones. It’s all in figuring out how to go about doing that.

Have the right tools and practice

In order to change habits, set up reminders, plan out activities, and include rewards. Take an active approach to change. Consciously pursue new activities. Practice new skills and behaviors repetitively. Build up new pathways in the brain – the new habits. Stay off the old pathways long enough for them to fade away due to lack of use.
Here are some steps that can help:

  • Figure out what it is you’re trying to do differently, and what you hope to accomplish by doing that.
  • Define the new behavior or habit, clearly, in writing, so you can be conscious of it
  • Set up a time and place to practice the new behavior regularly

In other words, make the experience of change meaningful. Practice. Allow time for change to occur. Focus on the wins.

Motivate employees to change behavior

It takes conscious intervention and practice to change habits and create new neural pathways. Build new routines to go with the habits you’re looking to change. Eventually, you’ll free up the conscious brain by consciously practicing new activities so much that they turn into unconscious activities. See yourself as successfully practicing until new behaviors become new habits.

Keep a record of your progress. Be aware of the changes that are happening. Look for gradual changes over time, rather than rapidly attempting big changes. Give up trying to be perfect. Accept that you may miss an activity, catch yourself and get back to practicing the new habit as quickly as possible.

Do use visualization to strengthen and deepen the habits you’re trying to build. See yourself performing successfully. Imagine in your mind’s eye the steps you go through to accomplish the new behavior. Focus on the change as bringing pleasure rather than focusing on than pain that may accompany struggling to change.

Looking for a good book? Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long by David Rock

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