Letting Others Step Up

I’m letting others step up, but I find it hard training employees to do something exactly as I want it to be done. I struggle with handing things over because I want things done a certain way, and employees often don’t grasp the importance of doing it the way they were trained within the timeframe requested. Got any suggestions on how to let go and still get what I want?


Thoughts of the Day:  It can be hard for business owners to let go and trust that things will work out okay. Part of the solution is determining the outputs, rather than focusing on the inputs. Figure out who you can rely on by delegating pieces and finding out what happens, starting with the small stuff. Let go of the “control freak” who lives deep inside just about every business owner, and instead embrace the freedom that comes from letting others step up and find their own way to achieving success on your behalf.

Most small business owners do things their way

They had to carry the burden of being working managers, especially in the beginning growth stages of the business. They’ve practiced and practiced, worn off the rough edges, found what they believe is the best way to do things. They have habits that make them comfortable and confident. And any disruption to those habits can be really uncomfortable for most business owners.

That said, letting others help, even if they do things differently, can free up a small business owner to get more things done. Spreading out duties also creates a backup in case the owner can’t come to work for some reason. It’s a matter of training people who you can trust, to get to similar outcomes.

Focus on what you want to achieve, more than how you want it done. Sometimes letting others get creative with their approach can allow innovations to take hold. If there are concerns about how things are going, keep asking: “Is this going to get to a successful endpoint, even if we’re taking a different pathway to get from here to there?”

Everyone is good at some things, not good at other things.

Asking someone who is good at accounting to step into a sales support role, or vice versa, might, or might not work out. You want to find out who’s good at what, who’s willing to take on more, in which areas of the business. Don’t make assumptions. Start with small trials and build on the successful ones.

Most business owners live for control. They know what they want, when they want it, how they want it. And that attitude can often stifle people who are willing to provide support and innovate to find new effective ways to get things done.

Setting goals and letting others step up.

Define milestones. Check in frequently to monitor progress.

Start by training someone – show, tell, do. Tell them how you do it. Show them how you do it. Ask them to repeat the steps you’ve shown.

Once they’ve mastered the training stage, then back up and let them innovate to find their own way. This is where coaching comes into play. Ask how it’s going, and talk through the challenges, but no more instruction on specifics of how to do it. Let your employee discover what works best for them.

Finally, once the employee is successfully delivering results at the coaching stage, and no longer asking for coaching support, delegate. Back away from the project. Ask for a report on when the project will be done and what the outcome will be.

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