Practicing Teamwork

We’re working on practicing teamwork but finding that it takes a lot of time to get everyone we want to be involved and working together. Some people want to work on their own, some take charge and don’t inform their teammates, some hang back waiting for others to figure things out or do the heavy lifting. The quiet ones are often the best team candidates but they get overruled or ignored by the more vocal ones.

Thoughts of the Day: Set up goals so everyone is clear about what’s to be accomplished by practicing teamwork. Teach your people to work together productively. Give the team tools to track and analyze data, and access to other performance-enhancing tools. Make sure the team meets regularly to exchange information.

Being an effective group member

One of the best ways to get practicing teamwork challenges off the ground is to start with a mission. Each mission should include a clear, specific, tangible, measurable set of goals. Point towards the horizon and paint a picture of what the team is to accomplish. Establish a timeframe so each will be allowed to work towards the goals.

For example, make it clear that you expect the team to produce results. And you also expect people to subordinate personal gain in favor of team results. Take people aside who don’t seem to get the message. Be willing to have honest conversations about what you’re observing and what you expect. Tackle problems early, while they’re small. Even if it means having an uncomfortable moment.

Demonstrate respect for the team. Once you’ve brought them together and set them on a mission, allow progress to happen. Give them space and time to learn to work together. Encourage honest, respectful dialog.

Practicing teamwork

Tools for the team could include software, data storage systems, access to information, education and mentoring, and having the right skills to get the job done. When starting out, what individual skill sets will be needed—both hard and soft skills. Will you need technicians? How about people who can communicate effectively? What do they need to know about the projects for successfully practicing teamwork? Anyone on the list who is skilled as a leader?

Require a schedule of regular meetings where team members update each other. Confirm team members have the time available in their schedules to meet. Make it a point that teams show respect for their peers. Ensure they arrive on time, stay focused, and stick through to the end of each meeting. Ask the group to limit the time spent in meetings. Make sure folks don’t get overwhelmed or discouraged by the amount of time used or material covered in one sitting.

Supervision and delegation

Once underway, listen to what team members are saying about how their project is proceeding. Is there anything missing from the team? Are they getting bogged down with problems? Or just working their way through the normal process of form-storm-norm-perform. Moreover, if there are opinion or personality clashes, take people aside for a one-on-one. Remind them of the importance of the goals and practicing teamwork. If necessary, consider removing or replacing team members to achieve a better overall result.

Resist the temptation to jump in with suggestions. That can be disruptive to the team dynamic. Ask the group if they need help, but allow team members the time and space they need to figure things out.

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