The Role of Marketing Awards in your Business


We just won a marketing award! How do we use that to market ourselves? We didn’t hand out table fliers at the awards ceremony. At the very least, we can learn from this experience. We need to work on this. Getting future awards and using them to promote the business. How would you go about doing this?

Thoughts of the Day: Winning marketing awards is all about picking your shots versus hoping to get lucky. Find out what awards fall into your space now and which ones you’d have to work to get qualified for. Campaign to get the awards you want. Have a plan for how to pitch your company at the time of the award and post-award.

Why marketing awards matter

There are lots of marketing awards out there. From local business organizations to industry associations. In addition to networking groups, philanthropies, and publications. The list of backers goes on and on. Rarely do candidates for awards end up on the radar of award organizations by accident. They have already done something for which they deserve to be recognized. Or they have made themselves more visible so that they do get recognized.

When it comes to deciding what awards to pursue, think about who you ultimately want to notice you. In which industry segments do you want to make a splash? What awards are likely to be meaningful to the business? Good for boosting PR? Makes you more attractive to potential suppliers and referral sources? Where do your potential customers turn for advice on go-to firms? That’s your target list for awards.

Make a target list. Do your homework to figure out how to win awards in those spaces. Create a multi-year plan. You don’t want to, and probably can’t, go after every award all at once.

Awards require a great deal of effort

Assign a point person to each desired marketing award. Make a list of things to be done to qualify. Create a timeline to prepare for each competition. Take into account any filing deadlines. Keep your eye on the cost-benefit ratio of filing for awards. Some may be more work than they’re worth. It does take time and effort to win an award.

You’ll need people advocating for your company. Line up your influential sources now and start working on them. How long it will take to get them to know enough about your company? When will they be willing to recommend you?

Not all marketing awards have the same application cycle. Some awards are one and done. Others take repeat tries before your company rises to the top. Awards can be highly politicized. For each competition, know what it takes to be recognized by the judges and sponsors.

It’s ultimately about telling a story. Take a close look at the overall company. Consider products, services, employees, customers. Dig deeper. Innovation, thought leadership, philanthropy. What makes your company stand out? Hire a PR firm if you’re not sure you can do a good job getting the message across. Let them craft and promote the messages you want to present. Whether you win or not, promotion efforts will probably boost your market presence.

Improve interest and brand awareness

Once you’ve been notified about winning, prepare for the announcement and post-announcement marketing campaign. Keep in mind that most marketing awards organizers like the ripple effect that comes from your company’s self-promotion.

Ask lots of questions about promoting the award. Can you take a video of the awards ceremony? Post it online and on social media platforms. Create a handout for the awards ceremony; ask the promoter how to get that into everyone’s hands. Ask how people can attend and if you’re expected to pay anything. Find out if speeches will be necessary.If so, carefully select a speaker and rehearse. Ask about press releases and how can you tie into the sponsors.

Think about making a video telling how your company competed for the award or how your company delivers something exceptional. Make a plan to keep the award visible to customers and prospects, employees, and candidates long after the award ceremony is passed.

Looking for a good book? Try “How To Win Business Awards” by Louise Prunty.

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