Financial Dashboards

Strategy Leaders Financial Dashboards


Strategy Leaders Action Plan For a Successful Business

Running a profitable small business can be challenging. Federal government statistics show “only about half of all small businesses in the U.S. generate a profit each year.”

Financial dashboards are a visual display of a company’s financials.

By the numbers, they show how all areas of the business perform, projecting future insight into how the company will perform.

It’s important to know how well the business is doing, what’s working right, and what needs fixing. Pushing ahead on revenue when profits are down, for example, can be a recipe for disaster. Using our proprietary dashboard, we show our clients how their business is doing. Then, together, we make a plan to boost results.

Want to learn how our clients are getting 2x more revenue & 3x more profit? Check out what our financial dashboards can help visualize for you.


  • Unfortunately, most business owners can’t see clearly enough what contributes to the profit of one product versus another. We help our clients get their books in order. Then we turn the numbers into easy to understand graphs, so that it is clear what is happening in the business.
  • Pushing up revenue with highly profitable products or services can be a real opportunity – so long as assessments are accurate. We gather and organize data to identify performance swings and trends that can make or break your business. We cut out guesswork about how progress is made year after year.


We can help you to master every area of your business

Once there’s clarity as to what is happening in your business currently, we dive into forecasting and budgeting.

Strategy Leaders help their clients play “what if” with a variety of scenarios. By playing “what if” with a forecast and a budget, owners can see what difficult decisions are looming, can try out options, can evaluate how their decisions impact finances in real-time without having to live with the consequences.

With financial dashboards, we can look at boosting or cutting sales of various products or services. Or consider adjusting the cost of goods sold, controlling overhead, investing in marketing, sales, equipment, workforce, and even using acquisitions to help grow a profitable business. We back up dashboard forecasts with solid advice and support to make changes and deliver what’s desired.

Deliberately pursue success with a financial dashboard, a forecast AND a plan.

Most business owners end up plowing through the challenges of the business, hoping things will pan out by the end of the year. Many owners, when they do have time to plan, fail to adequately consider the significant demands that eat away at profits. Those demands include paying off the principal on loans, paying taxes, bonusing employees when there’s a good year, building up cash reserves to keep the company safe, investing in future growth and development, and, of top importance, rewarding shareholder(s) aka the business owner(s).

We help owners determine what the business has to do to cover all those demands. Our consultants are experts at seeing the challenges and figuring out how to create solutions so that the business thrives. Then we show you how to fit that information into an overall plan for the business. We go from creating a dashboard to building a forecast and budget, to generating an overall plan for the business.

Ready to purchase our financial dashboard software? Click below to find out how we can help you today!